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Our Therapeutic Interventions and Support

  • Therapy intervention and therapeutic approach is at the centre of our ethos at Hopewell through our everyday work and the support of our pupils but also through the specialist range of therapies that are offered to individual pupils, as well as through group interventions and extensive work with our parents and carers.​

  • We believe that therapy is a critical element of a pupil’s curriculum. Interventions are timetabled throughout the week in the same way and with as much value as our subject based “taught” lessons. The therapies on offer are – Art therapy, Drama therapy, Play therapy, Music Therapy and Psychotherapy. Our team of therapists work in partnership with all school staff to enable pupils to overcome their severe social, emotional, behavioural and psychological needs through a flexible time table that maximizes engagement and progress.

  • Our therapy team also work with parents and families on both a structured and self-referral process as well as to support in crisis management situations.

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