Our Personal Development and Achievement Programme
The development of a young persons personal and social skills is one of our key aims for every pupil who attends Hopewell. Our focus on character skills and the development of self-regulation and self-management underpin the PDAP programme which is delivered through weekly off site activities as well as through our school based and vocational curriculums.
Our offsite programme is designed to challenge our pupil’s expectations of themselves, to encourage them to take part in new experiences and to develop a greater understanding of themselves and their capabilities and to start believing that “anything is possible”
There is a focus on 8 main character skills Respect, Resilience, Communication, Collaboration, Perseverance, Team building, Adaptability and Problem Solving, within these pupils are also taught skills to self-reflect and recognize how to self-manage and regulate through our 50-50 LAB programme which links directly to our character skill reward system.
We aim that all pupils will be able to develop their self-confidence and self-esteem through the structure of the PDAP curriculum as we recognise the impact these have in a pupil’s overall success and achievement.