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Pupil Premium

In April 2011 the “Pupil Premium” was introduced.

The aim was to allocate additional funding to schools to support children from low income families who were identified through their entitlement to free school meals and children who had been “Looked After” by a Local Authority continuously for more than six months.

The aim of Pupil Premium funding is to help bridge the gap between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their peers.

Hopewell School and provides specialist educational and therapeutic interventions to some of the most complex young people. As such the Pupil Premium is a minor percentage relative to the cost of a placement, however any funding enables us to develop and support individual interventions to support our young people either through the school setting or through additional personalised interventions. These interventions are agreed by Local Authorities, the school and by obtaining pupils views through the Annual Review and when appropriate PEP review meetings.

Examples of Pupil Premium funding have included: personalised curriculum materials, enrichment activities, additional mentoring and specific curriculum learning opportunities.

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