HopeWell School


The delivery of the Maths curriculum enables the students to achieve a variety of skills leading to essential qualifications that initiate a focused career path. In order for a successful transition within the working environment, pupils gain a solid foundation in problem solving, organisation, analysing and interpreting information in a variety of contexts. Maths interventions can bridge gaps in students' knowledge to deeply strengthen core values to make them successful learners and progress into further education.

Through the Maths curriculum pupils can accumulate transferable life-long skills that they can utilise and establish further within the world of work. Building a solid foundation in problem solving, organising and analysing information to promote confidence and competence within the skills of calculating will allow each child to be successful learners within any environment. We aim to promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning Maths.

Mathematics is used throughout the students' daily experiences. Pupils are challenged and encouraged to rely on their Mathematical knowledge and understanding to address problems that arise in a variety of situations. Developing their confidence and self-belief by encouragement through the PDAP program, enables students to find their own solutions independently or by collaborative teamwork. Pupils are able to establish the core character skills within Mathematics, by improving young people's resilience, concentration and communication while allowing them to explore their feelings, thoughts and hopes for the future.

Working closely with the Therapeutic team allows us to be acutely aware of the variety of needs among our students. The information we gather allows us to put together strategic interventions throughout their journey at Hopewell. Collating this data over time allows us to measure the effectiveness of any interventions and further place any other additional support. Our interventions aim to promote self-awareness and self-regulations which will enable our students to thrive academically and socially within the classroom. Thereby approaching the child's development with a holistic mindset. Through positive learning experiences we promote self-esteem through recognition of potential and effort, development of positive relationships among the pupils.

Authentic Inclusive Approach
The Maths curriculum is personalised for each of our young learners. It covers a broad range of skills that leads onto accreditations which demonstrates their abilities. Our teaching takes into account the varying needs of our pupils along with their interest which creates a happy place to be.

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Sequencing of Content

Key stage 3 Mathematics is about learning to connect Mathematical concepts that pupils can move between with ease and fluency. Being able to identify patterns and overlapping concepts within maths topics is key to KS3 progression.
Our qualifications:
•Entry Levels 1,2,3 to develop a basic understanding of the number system.
•Functional Skills level 1 and 2, giving the skills to problem solve within s practical context.
•Application of knowledge.
•GCSE Maths/Statistics- Apply the concept learnt across the key stages to a higher more sophisticated level at Key stage 4.
The skills achieved through these qualifications demonstrate competency of our pupils within our working world.

Core threads

Developing solid foundations
Problems solving
Analysing and interpreting information

Numeracy, literacy and communication:

Word problems
Reasoning statements
Mathematical vocabulary
Reasoning and justification
Definition and features
Demystification of the exam questions

Retrieval Practice

  • Key concepts are identified and revisited throughout the academic year and key stage.
  • Reflect and retrieval activities are planned as starters /homework/peer assessment / lesson summaries as well as regular assessments.
  • Low stake assessments
  • Subjects specific curriculum will enhance the whole school learning.

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The specialist nature of the subject curriculum.

Our aim is to deliver a high-quality education which engages, inspires, and promotes high standards of language and literacy. The purpose of this is to support pupils to be able to write clearly and accurately, writing for purpose. We aim to inspire pupils to be confident in speaking and listening and to be able to use discussion to communicate and further their learning. Pupils have three English lessons a week in which they have the opportunity to develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. We use texts, media, poetry, plays and Drama in order to give all of the students a variety of options to engage with an activity they find fulfilling. Planning across the Key Stages All our pupils arrive at different levels with regards to the National curriculum. On entry at Hopewell all pupils undergo baseline assessments. These baselines are then used to create individualised planning and intervention sessions strategies. An overview of the curriculum is detailed in yearly long-term plans. Medium term plans are developed giving more detail as to how key skills will be taught and developed. This is a working document regularly reviewed, allowing for changes to be made if needed. The key skills are linked to the National curriculum and are linked to the GCSE assessment objectives. We provide varied and exciting opportunities for children to write for different purposes and audiences. KS3 and KS4 curriculum works towards assessment objectives as laid out in the National curriculum. KS3 curriculum has a more thematic approach whereas KS4 curriculum is generally delivered in a chronological order due to the development of the GCSE assessment objectives. Within Hopewell we create a positive reading and writing culture in school, where both are promoted, enjoyed and considered 'a pleasure' for all. Planning is done on an individual basis ensuring that each pupil has the chance to target specific skills and ambitious enough to push them to look at developing their skill set to the best of their ability Assessment materials and strategy Feedback is given to children by their peers, TA's and teachers verbally or through comments in their books during English lessons. Teachers follow the school marking policy and next steps are identified and pupils are given time to respond and make corrections which are done using a green pen. At the end of each half term formative assessments take place in the form of teacher assessments. We use these formative assessments to complete a data drop to assess where children are in their learning using classroom monitor. This is then used to identify children who need additional support and as a gap analysis tool to inform planning. Students will revisit certain topis through each year and will expand on what they had learnt from the year before, this enables the topic to be appropriate for the age or understanding as well as developing more knowledge. At the end of term, a teacher assessment will take place to assess what the students have learnt and understood. From this I will have a clear understanding of what will need to be revisited for that student when that topic is repeated.

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Sequencing of Content

Key stage 3 Mathematics is about learning to connect Mathematical concepts that pupils can move between with ease and fluency. Being able to identify patterns and overlapping concepts within maths topics is key to KS3 progression.
Our qualifications:
•Entry Levels 1,2,3 to develop a basic understanding of the number system.
•Functional Skills level 1 and 2, giving the skills to problem solve within s practical context.
•Application of knowledge.
•GCSE Maths/Statistics- Apply the concept learnt across the key stages to a higher more sophisticated level at Key stage 4.
The skills achieved through these qualifications demonstrate competency of our pupils within our working world.

Core threads

Developing solid foundations
Problems solving
Analysing and interpreting information

Numeracy, literacy and communication:

Word problems
Reasoning statements
Mathematical vocabulary
Reasoning and justification
Definition and features
Demystification of the exam questions

Retrieval Practice

  • Key concepts are identified and revisited throughout the academic year and key stage.
  • Reflect and retrieval activities are planned as starters /homework/peer assessment / lesson summaries as well as regular assessments.
  • Low stake assessments
  • Subjects specific curriculum will enhance the whole school learning.

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The specialist nature of the subject curriculum.

Our aim is to deliver a high-quality education which engages, inspires, and promotes high standards of language and literacy. The purpose of this is to support pupils to be able to write clearly and accurately, writing for purpose. We aim to inspire pupils to be confident in speaking and listening and to be able to use discussion to communicate and further their learning. Pupils have three English lessons a week in which they have the opportunity to develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. We use texts, media, poetry, plays and Drama in order to give all of the students a variety of options to engage with an activity they find fulfilling. Planning across the Key Stages All our pupils arrive at different levels with regards to the National curriculum. On entry at Hopewell all pupils undergo baseline assessments. These baselines are then used to create individualised planning and intervention sessions strategies. An overview of the curriculum is detailed in yearly long-term plans. Medium term plans are developed giving more detail as to how key skills will be taught and developed. This is a working document regularly reviewed, allowing for changes to be made if needed. The key skills are linked to the National curriculum and are linked to the GCSE assessment objectives. We provide varied and exciting opportunities for children to write for different purposes and audiences. KS3 and KS4 curriculum works towards assessment objectives as laid out in the National curriculum. KS3 curriculum has a more thematic approach whereas KS4 curriculum is generally delivered in a chronological order due to the development of the GCSE assessment objectives. Within Hopewell we create a positive reading and writing culture in school, where both are promoted, enjoyed and considered 'a pleasure' for all. Planning is done on an individual basis ensuring that each pupil has the chance to target specific skills and ambitious enough to push them to look at developing their skill set to the best of their ability Assessment materials and strategy Feedback is given to children by their peers, TA's and teachers verbally or through comments in their books during English lessons. Teachers follow the school marking policy and next steps are identified and pupils are given time to respond and make corrections which are done using a green pen. At the end of each half term formative assessments take place in the form of teacher assessments. We use these formative assessments to complete a data drop to assess where children are in their learning using classroom monitor. This is then used to identify children who need additional support and as a gap analysis tool to inform planning. Students will revisit certain topis through each year and will expand on what they had learnt from the year before, this enables the topic to be appropriate for the age or understanding as well as developing more knowledge. At the end of term, a teacher assessment will take place to assess what the students have learnt and understood. From this I will have a clear understanding of what will need to be revisited for that student when that topic is repeated.

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