HopeWell School


PSHE creates opportunities from the start of year 10's to be able to gain a qualification with ASDAN- PSD (personal, social development) This is worked on levels suitable for the individual pupils, from Entry Level up to Level 2. This course is work based building a portfolio on the different units. The units vary from Healthy eating, parent awareness, your money in the future and preparation for work. This offers the students to expand on what they have already learnt within PSHE as well as preparing for life in modern Britain, life skills and beyond school .

Through enquiry of the PSHE curriculum tolerance is widely explored to broaden the pupil's mindset and reflect on others' views, opinions and beliefs, as well as their own. This allows for the development of communication skills and preparation for life in modern Britain and education beyond School.

Within the PSHE curriculum the pupils have the opportunity to explore sexuality, religion, diversity, equality, British values, life in modern Britain life skills and relationships. These also consign working with SMSC. These experiences are explored through open discussion, workshops and drop-down days. The idea behind group focused activities allows aal pupils to participate without an individual sense of anxiety around difficult subjects raised whilst building confidence and social skills.

Through the subjects we cover in PSHE pupils have a safe space to explore their views as well as others, this allows pupils to be open and have the opportunity to ask any question. We also offer a questions box where students can ask a question without verbalising or naming, which helps build confidence. Through drop down days as well as the curriculum we explore mental health and how we can manage and regulate our feelings. This teaches the pupils to be able to reflect and self-regulate their emotions as well as working on being empathetic to others. This holistic approach has been successful for students to feel they can also be themselves and express their identities.

Authentic Inclusive Approach
Through discussions in class Pupils have a sense of inclusion and feel valued in what they have to contribute in the lesson. Pupils that feel valued will build confidence and be able to express themselves freely, understand their identity and being able to understand others

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Sequencing of Content

Breaking down content into small sections.
Using visuals on the projector to help concentration

Core threads

Build confidence
Understand equality and diversity
Recognise healthy relationships
Understanding emotions and feelings.
Ready for the wider world

Numeracy, literacy and communication:

Subject specific vocabulary
reading out loud to class
Recount/information texts

Retrieval Practice

  • Pre-teach/revisit/starter/plenary
  • Feedback
  • Brain brainstorming
  • Think-pair-share
  • Low stakes quizzes (long term learning)
  • Revisit/ reflection questions

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The specialist nature of the subject curriculum.

At Hopewell School, we believe that the teaching of PSHE and SMSC gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to have a successful future. We believe that all pupils are entitled to high quality learning and teaching, which equips them with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need today and prepares them well for the next steps. The aim of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every pupil so that they know more, remember more and understand more. As a result of this they will become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who understand how they are developing personally and socially and understand the diverse cultures we live in. PSHE provides pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals and within the community. It will encourage pupils to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. Allowing pupils to learn, to recognize their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. Lessons give pupils the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Allowing pupils to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning. Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place. PSHE also prepares pupils for puberty and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene, help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy and create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships. As well as teaching pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies. Planning across the Key StagesPupils start at different levels and with different learning barriers. KS1, KS2 data, baseline assessments on entry ,attitude to learning during the induction period as well as the EHCP strategies will enable the subject teacher to establish a realistic end of key stage target grade and develop individual planning to support the pupils. Once pupils have joined their class and engaged in tasks and discussions this will also give us a better understanding on how the pupil prefers to learn and their ability further informing the planning. Pupils learn the key skills of the PSHE through KS2 and KS3 which prepares them for Key stage 4 in order to complete the ASDAN-PSD course. The course covers subjects such as Healthy eating, personal rights and responsibilities, parenting awareness and preparation for work. This course varies from Entry Levels up to Level 2 which continues to work around the pupil's abilities. Although it is not a GCSE subject, students' achievements on this course are recognised by colleges. ASDAN is an education awarding organisation providing courses, accredited curriculum programmes and regulated qualifications to engage, elevate and empower young people. Our goal is to engage them through relevant and motivating courses to achieve meaningful learning outcomes, which elevate them to go on to further education, training and work, and empower them to take control of their lives. Firstly, planning begins with a focus on learning objectives and leads to a clear understanding of the content taught. Pupils start with learning objectives before determining the curriculum, activities and materials. This sequence enables students to have a clear understanding of the content taught and ending the lesson with a plenary can support their understanding and to be prepared for the next lesson's transition. Lesson sequencing is a holistic approach to the PSHE lesson and its planning. Breaking down lessons to make them more able acessible avoiding cognitive overload make the transitions between them as smooth and simple as possible. Lesson sequencing supports pupils to gain what they need to learn effectively at different stages of the learning process. Our curriculum has been designed to acknowledge that all pupils learn at different rates and each Pupils development is unique. Through regular monitoring and assessment any pupil who requires additional support is identified quickly and provided with intervention and additional learning opportunities. We are aware that some topics in PSHE can be sensitive and therefore regardless of special educational need and/or disability we will adapt lessons to support these additional needs. Students will revisit certain subjects through each year and will expand on what they had learnt from the year before, this enables the subject to be appropriate for the age or understanding as well as developing more knowledge. Assessment materials and strategy. Weekly marking using the school marking policy allows teachers to identify and inform pupils of the next steps. However verbal feedback is given to the pupils via the class teacher, the Teaching Assistants and their peers on a daily basis. Pupils are also encouraged to self-evaluate their own work on a regular basis. At the end of each half term teacher assessments take place in the form of quizzes and more formative assessments. These are then recorded in our half termly data drop and used as a gap analysis to inform planning. Students will revisit certain subjects through each year and will expand on what they had learnt from the year before, this enables the subject to be appropriate for the age or understanding as well as developing more knowledge. At the end of term, a quiz will take place to asses what the students had learnt and understood. From this I will have a clear understanding of what will need to be revisited for that student when that subject is repeated.

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Sequencing of Content

Breaking down content into small sections.
Using visuals on the projector to help concentration

Core threads

Build confidence
Understand equality and diversity
Recognise healthy relationships
Understanding emotions and feelings.
Ready for the wider world

Numeracy, literacy and communication:

Subject specific vocabulary
reading out loud to class
Recount/information texts

Retrieval Practice

  • Pre-teach/revisit/starter/plenary
  • Feedback
  • Brain brainstorming
  • Think-pair-share
  • Low stakes quizzes (long term learning)
  • Revisit/ reflection questions

Click to view PSHE Statement

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The specialist nature of the subject curriculum.

At Hopewell School, we believe that the teaching of PSHE and SMSC gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to have a successful future. We believe that all pupils are entitled to high quality learning and teaching, which equips them with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need today and prepares them well for the next steps. The aim of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every pupil so that they know more, remember more and understand more. As a result of this they will become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who understand how they are developing personally and socially and understand the diverse cultures we live in. PSHE provides pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals and within the community. It will encourage pupils to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. Allowing pupils to learn, to recognize their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. Lessons give pupils the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Allowing pupils to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning. Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place. PSHE also prepares pupils for puberty and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene, help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy and create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships. As well as teaching pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies. Planning across the Key StagesPupils start at different levels and with different learning barriers. KS1, KS2 data, baseline assessments on entry ,attitude to learning during the induction period as well as the EHCP strategies will enable the subject teacher to establish a realistic end of key stage target grade and develop individual planning to support the pupils. Once pupils have joined their class and engaged in tasks and discussions this will also give us a better understanding on how the pupil prefers to learn and their ability further informing the planning. Pupils learn the key skills of the PSHE through KS2 and KS3 which prepares them for Key stage 4 in order to complete the ASDAN-PSD course. The course covers subjects such as Healthy eating, personal rights and responsibilities, parenting awareness and preparation for work. This course varies from Entry Levels up to Level 2 which continues to work around the pupil's abilities. Although it is not a GCSE subject, students' achievements on this course are recognised by colleges. ASDAN is an education awarding organisation providing courses, accredited curriculum programmes and regulated qualifications to engage, elevate and empower young people. Our goal is to engage them through relevant and motivating courses to achieve meaningful learning outcomes, which elevate them to go on to further education, training and work, and empower them to take control of their lives. Firstly, planning begins with a focus on learning objectives and leads to a clear understanding of the content taught. Pupils start with learning objectives before determining the curriculum, activities and materials. This sequence enables students to have a clear understanding of the content taught and ending the lesson with a plenary can support their understanding and to be prepared for the next lesson's transition. Lesson sequencing is a holistic approach to the PSHE lesson and its planning. Breaking down lessons to make them more able acessible avoiding cognitive overload make the transitions between them as smooth and simple as possible. Lesson sequencing supports pupils to gain what they need to learn effectively at different stages of the learning process. Our curriculum has been designed to acknowledge that all pupils learn at different rates and each Pupils development is unique. Through regular monitoring and assessment any pupil who requires additional support is identified quickly and provided with intervention and additional learning opportunities. We are aware that some topics in PSHE can be sensitive and therefore regardless of special educational need and/or disability we will adapt lessons to support these additional needs. Students will revisit certain subjects through each year and will expand on what they had learnt from the year before, this enables the subject to be appropriate for the age or understanding as well as developing more knowledge. Assessment materials and strategy. Weekly marking using the school marking policy allows teachers to identify and inform pupils of the next steps. However verbal feedback is given to the pupils via the class teacher, the Teaching Assistants and their peers on a daily basis. Pupils are also encouraged to self-evaluate their own work on a regular basis. At the end of each half term teacher assessments take place in the form of quizzes and more formative assessments. These are then recorded in our half termly data drop and used as a gap analysis to inform planning. Students will revisit certain subjects through each year and will expand on what they had learnt from the year before, this enables the subject to be appropriate for the age or understanding as well as developing more knowledge. At the end of term, a quiz will take place to asses what the students had learnt and understood. From this I will have a clear understanding of what will need to be revisited for that student when that subject is repeated.

Click to view PSHE Drivers